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Some materials may be completely banned in Australia! Increased construction costs but safer!



Melbourne Weekly Real Estate News


Buyers Concerned About Prospects of Another Interest Rate Hike


Comprehensive Ban on Engineered Stone to Increase Construction Costs but Enhance Safety


Weekly Auctions


Buyers Concerned About Prospects of Another Interest Rate Hike


According to CoreLogic's data, the possibility of another interest rate hike on Melbourne Cup day has shaken the confidence of homebuyers, leading to the lowest auction clearance rate in seven months.

初步结果显示,全国首府城市报告的拍卖成功率为68.5%,较上周下降2.3个百分点,也低于一年同期的平均水平。但与此同时,拍卖房源数量激增至3383套,创下自去年复活节前一周以来的最高水平。CoreLogic研究总监Tim Lawless指出,如此庞大的拍卖数量总是会考验买家的需求程度。他表示:“基本上,它还没有通过较低的清盘率所反映的考验,这与即将再次升息的新猜测相一致。”

Preliminary results indicate that the auction success rate reported in the capital cities across the country is 68.5%, a 2.3% decrease from the previous week and below the average level for the same period last year. However, at the same time, the number of properties put up for auction surged to 3,383, reaching the highest level since the week before Easter last year. Tim Lawless, the Research Director at CoreLogic, pointed out that such a significant number of auctions always tests the depth of buyer demand. He stated, "Essentially, it hasn't passed the test reflected by the lower clearance rate, which aligns with the new speculations about the upcoming interest rate hike."


The higher-than-expected third-quarter inflation data released last Wednesday has led some economists to predict that another interest rate hike could come as early as next month. Lawless mentioned that nearly a quarter of the auctions failed to sell, indicating that one of the main reasons for the declining clearance rate is the loss of confidence among buyers or prices not meeting the sellers' expectations.

This three-bedroom, two-bathroom house at 5 Elm Grove, Armadale, in Melbourne’s inner south-east sold for $5.45 million, which was over $1 million above the reserve price.

在悉尼,拍卖数量激增了22.2%,达到1086套,但清盘率下降了3.4个百分点,降至70.8%。悉尼地产经纪机构BresicWhitney的首席执行官Thomas McGlynn表示,进一步的升息可能在今年年底之前改变市场局势。他指出:“如果我们在年底前再次加息一次或更多,这可能足以让市场再次发生变化,因为这将对家庭带来巨大的压力。我们还没有看到重大的变化,但确实可以感受到一般房产需要更长时间才能售出,市场表现也不如今年早些时候那么强劲。”

In Sydney, the number of auctions surged by 22.2%, reaching 1086 properties, but the clearance rate dropped by 3.4 percentage points to 70.8%. Thomas McGlynn, the CEO of Sydney real estate agency BresicWhitney, mentioned that further interest rate hikes might change the market dynamics before the end of the year. He noted, "If we see another rate rise or more before the end of the year, it might be enough to change the market as it would put significant pressure on households. We haven't seen significant shifts yet, but there's a sense that properties, in general, are taking longer to sell, and the market isn't as robust as earlier this year."

总部位于悉尼的独立拍卖师Clarence White表示,对于住宅需求依然旺盛,但市场上挂牌待售的前出租物业已经相对饱和。目前,大部分购房者是自住买家,但由于投资者正在削减投资或进行交易,所以出售的投资级物业比例较高,这导致了一些不匹配情况。

Clarence White, an independent auctioneer based in Sydney, pointed out that there's still strong demand for residential properties, but there is a relatively high proportion of investment-grade properties for sale due to investors cutting back on investments or making transactions, leading to some imbalances.

墨尔本一处位于内东南区5 Elm Grove, Armadale的三卧室、两浴室的住宅也在周末实现了该市拍卖成交价格中的最高之一。这处住宅以545万澳元的价格售出,比底价高出100万澳元以上。这一物业地理位置优越,目前市场上此类物业相对较少,因此当它们出现时,会很快被抢购一空。

In Melbourne, a three-bedroom, two-bathroom residence located at 5 Elm Grove, Armadale, in the inner southeast, also achieved one of the highest auction sale prices in the city over the weekend. This property was sold for AUD 5.45 million, which was more than AUD 1 million above the reserve price. The property's prime location and the relatively limited availability of such properties on the market make them highly sought after.


In Melbourne, despite a 49.5% increase in the number of auction properties to 1101, the clearance rate remained at 72%. In smaller capital cities, Brisbane reported a clearance rate of 58.9%. Adelaide had a preliminary clearance rate of 85.1%, being the only capital city with early reporting results showing an increase.

2. 禁止使用人造石将增加建造成本却更安全

Comprehensive Ban on Engineered Stone to Increase Construction Costs but Enhance Safety

Workplace Relations部长Tony Burke以及各州和领地部长周五同意发布澳大利亚安全工作中心关于硅肺病的报告,建议全面禁止使用人造石——人造石是一种由高达90%的结晶二氧化硅与矿物质、树脂和矿物质组成的人造产品。部长们表示他们将在年底前再次开会做出决定。

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke and state and territory ministers agreed on Friday to release a report from the Australian Work Health and Safety Centre regarding silicosis, recommending a comprehensive ban on the use of engineered stone. Engineered stone is a synthetic product composed of up to 90% crystalline silica along with minerals, resins, and other materials. The ministers stated that they will reconvene before the end of the year to make a decision.


Executives from Caesarstone stated that a complete ban on engineered stone would result in doubled costs. If buyers opt for high-end porcelain as an alternative to engineered stone, overall construction costs would double because countertop costs make up about one-third of kitchen renovation costs.

Caesarstone亚太区总经理David Cullen在周五表示,寻求更坚固的台式厨房或浴室表面的客户只能选择瓷砖。“厨房装修的平均成本约为20,000澳元,其中,完全安装石材台面需要6,000到7,000澳元。而瓷砖的安装成本远高于人造石。瓷砖的制作速度要慢得多,需要的时间是人造石的两到三倍。后者成本大约是12,000到13,000澳元,而不是7,000 澳元。”

David Cullen, Caesarstone's Asia-Pacific General Manager, stated on Friday that customers seeking sturdier kitchen or bathroom surfaces would have no choice but to go with porcelain. He explained, "The average cost of kitchen renovation is about $20,000, of which fully installed stone benchtops cost between $6,000 to $7,000. The installation cost for porcelain is much higher than engineered stone. It's much slower to manufacture porcelain, taking two to three times longer than engineered stone. The cost would be about $12,000 to $13,000 rather than $7,000."

Caesarstone 去年的销售额达到了1.844亿澳元,约占澳大利亚市场的一半。Cullen表示,人造产品的替代品,无论是瓷砖、花岗岩还是自然石英岩,也含有二氧化硅,因此它们也可能在某个时候受到禁令的风险。

Caesarstone's revenue for the past year reached $184.4 million, accounting for about half of the Australian market. Cullen stated that alternative products to engineered stone, whether porcelain, granite, or natural quartz, also contain silica and are, therefore, at risk of a potential ban at some point.


Cases of silicosis and silica-related diseases have increased dramatically, particularly among workers exposed to silica dust during the processing of engineered stone. The proportion of engineered stone workers diagnosed with silicosis is high. No one should be at risk of a deadly disease simply due to their work.

职场律师Leah O'Keefe也表示,禁令是必要的。“切割时,工人们会吸入硅尘,这会导致硅肺病,这是一种严重的、有时甚至致命的肺部疾病。”澳大利亚建筑大师协会接受了该报告的调查结果,并主张制定许可计划以促进材料的安全处理和制造。

Workplace lawyer Leah O'Keefe also stressed the necessity of the ban. "When cutting, workers inhale silica dust, leading to silicosis, a severe, sometimes fatal lung disease." The Master Builders Association of Australia has accepted the findings of the report and advocated for the implementation of a licensing scheme to promote safe handling and manufacturing of materials.

总部位于Newcastle的国家住宅建筑商 NXT Building Group 表示,全面禁令意味着该行业必须寻找新的替代产品,而不是采用硅含量较低的替代品,后者将是一项更容易的任务。NXT 公司事务主管Brett Lavaring表示:“这是建筑行业面临的又一个挑战,该行业已经承受着巨大的压力。我们承认需要对二氧化硅进行管理,因为硅肺病的影响是毁灭性的。”

NXT Building Group, a national residential builder based in Newcastle, stated that a comprehensive ban means the industry must find new alternative products rather than using lower-silica substitutes, which would be a more straightforward task. NXT's Corporate Affairs Director, Brett Lavaring, said, "This is another challenge that the construction industry faces, which is already under tremendous pressure. We acknowledge the need for the management of silica because the impact of silicosis is devastating."


The Housing Industry Association lobbying group noted in their submission to the Australian Work Health and Safety Centre that a comprehensive ban on engineered stone (which was used in 60% of kitchen and 90% of bathroom benchtops installed during the 2021 financial year) would impact 1,000 businesses and 10,000 workers involved in installation and manufacturing.


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