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Focusing on second-hand home auctions! The confidence from both buyers and sellers in the market is driving transaction volume to continue rising!



Melbourne Weekly Property News Update


The confidence of both sellers and buyers in the market continues to drive transaction volume upward.

South Yarra艺术家房屋拍卖成交价176万澳元

South Yarra artist's house auction closes at $1.76 million AUD


Weekly auctions


The confidence of both sellers and buyers in the market continues to drive transaction volume upward.


As of the week ending Saturday, there was an increase in both auction and clearance numbers, with experts saying this indicates growing confidence among sellers and buyers that the rate hike is nearing its end.


According to CoreLogic's data on Sunday, in the predominantly east coast-dominated national market, the clearance rate stood at 71.3%, slightly up from the initial rate of 71% a week ago (later revised to 64.5%). The number of planned auctions rose from 1746 to 1911.


In Maroubra, eastern Sydney, only two families competed for a large double-block property. This property had been on the market since March and finally sold for more than 11% above its reserve price of AUD 4.5 million, fetching AUD 5.017 million.

The Agency Eastern Suburbs的销售代理Bethwyn Richards谈到了这个位于82 Mons Avenue的房产时表示:“注册竞标者进行了一系列的竞购活动,情况差点失控。这个房产从三月开始静悄悄地在市场上,最高报价为425万澳元。这个结果反映了东部郊区似乎每三个月都在变化,以及高质量房产的短缺。”

Bethwyn Richards, a sales agent from The Agency Eastern Suburbs, mentioned about the property at 82 Mons Avenue, "Registered bidders engaged in a series of competitive bids, and things almost got out of control. This property has been quietly on the market since March, with the highest offer initially being AUD 4.25 million. This result reflects the changing landscape every three months in the eastern suburbs and the scarcity of high-quality properties."

The house at 82 Mons Avenue in eastern-suburban Sydney’s Maroubra, on two titles for a combined 733sq m, sold $517,000 over reserve for $5,017,000.

在全国市场上,高利率和消费能力减弱正在不平等地影响消费者,情况并不全是积极的消息。截至周六的四个星期内,CoreLogic提供的房屋价值指数仅增长了0.8%,低于5月份1.3%的涨幅,其中墨尔本和悉尼的远郊地区更可能出现疲软。但CoreLogic研究主管Eliza Owen表示,这些数据可能表明,随着买家越来越感觉到利率紧缩周期已接近顶峰,住房需求正在上升。Owen女士周日表示:“尽管每年这个时候的拍卖量和挂牌房屋数量都会增加,而且许多家庭正在摆脱低固定利率,本周的拍卖数据仍然暗示市场信心有所恢复。”

In the national market, higher interest rates and weakening purchasing power are unequally affecting consumers, making the situation not entirely positive news. Over the last four weeks ending Saturday, the housing value index provided by CoreLogic increased by only 0.8%, lower than the 1.3% growth in May, with the suburbs of Melbourne and Sydney possibly experiencing softness. However, Eliza Owen, Director of Research at CoreLogic, suggested that these data might indicate rising housing demand as buyers increasingly feel that the tightening rate cycle is nearing its peak. She said on Sunday, "Despite the increase in auction and listing numbers at this time of the year and many households transitioning away from low fixed rates, this week's auction data still suggests some recovery in market confidence."


In Sydney, out of the 772 scheduled auctions, 75% of the 589 reported results have cleared, marking the highest preliminary clearance rate in five weeks. In Melbourne, the preliminary clearance rate was 69.5%, reflecting the 659 results from 842 scheduled auctions, causing anxiety among buyers in affluent suburbs due to low inventory levels.

“人们的出价超出了他们愿意出价的水平,因为库存水平太低了,”在该市高档地区工作的买家经纪人Emma Bloom说。“这几乎是恐慌性抢购。”上周,Bloom女士在周中拍卖了位于24 Denham Place, Toorak的一套三居室房屋,代表一位出价较低的竞标者参加了拍卖。这座面积为370平方米的住宅原定指导价为300-320万澳元,比最初的250-280万澳元的指导价范围提高了,最终以421万澳元的价格在拍卖中售出。她说:“这比最新调整的估价高出100万澳元,比原始估价高出150万澳元。这真是太意外了。”

"People are bidding beyond their comfort zones because inventory levels are so low," said buyer's agent Emma Bloom, who works in the upscale areas of the city. "It's almost panic buying." Last week, Ms. Bloom auctioned a three-bedroom house at 24 Denham Place, Toorak, which was eventually sold for AUD 4.21 million, higher than its recently adjusted estimated value by AUD 1 million and AUD 1.5 million more than the original estimate.

The three-bedroom house at 24 Denham Place in Melbourne’s Toorak sold at auction for $4.21 million.

Marshall White的销售代理James McCormack表示,最初的价格范围反映了他的公司在挂牌时的估价。McCormack先生说:“我们在活动期间两次调高了估价。我们迅速意识到,买家的兴趣程度远超过我们对房产的估价。我们绝对没有预料到我们取得的结果。”

James McCormack, the sales agent from Marshall White, stated that the initial price range reflected their company's valuation at the time of listing. Mr. McCormack said, "We raised the valuation twice during the campaign. We quickly realized that the buyers' level of interest far exceeded our property's valuation. We absolutely didn't anticipate the outcome we achieved."

Ray White维多利亚和塔斯马尼亚地区的首席拍卖师Jeremy Tyrrell表示,市场活动仍然强劲。Tyrrell先生说:“即使有了这些上涨,由于过去几个月内利率保持不变,买家活动依然强劲,信心逐渐增强。”

Jeremy Tyrrell, the Chief Auctioneer for Ray White in the Victoria and Tasmania regions, mentioned that market activity remains robust. Mr. Tyrrell said, "Even with these increases, due to the unchanged interest rates over the past few months, buyer activity remains strong, and confidence is gradually increasing."


Brisbane is the busiest among the smaller markets, with a total of 125 auction plans. Based on the currently recorded 88 completed results, the preliminary clearance rate is 62.5%. Adelaide's preliminary clearance rate is 74.5%, based on 55 reported results out of 92 planned auctions. Canberra's preliminary clearance rate is 68.5%, based on 54 reported results out of 69 planned auctions.

2. South Yarra艺术家房屋拍卖成交价176万澳元

South Yarra artist's house auction closes at $1.76 million AUD

周六,在五位买家进行了一系列快速而激烈的出价后,一位墨尔本艺术家拥有的一套“不可替代”的South Yarra两居室住宅在拍卖会上以176万澳元的高价拍出。这座位于32a Cromwell Road的建筑设计住宅吸引了80名观众。竞标价格为130万澳元,激烈的竞争使价格比保留价高出了26万澳元

On Saturday, after a series of rapid and intense bids from five buyers, a "irreplaceable" two-bedroom residence in South Yarra owned by a Melbourne artist was sold at auction for AUD 1.76 million. This architecturally designed home at 32a Cromwell Road attracted 80 spectators. The bidding started at AUD 1.3 million, and the intense competition drove the price up by AUD 260,000 above the reserve.

这座时尚住宅距离 Hawksburn Village仅几步之遥,由Wood Marsh建筑公司于1994年设计。两年后,它荣获Harold Desbrowe-Annear最佳住宅项目奖。Jellis Craig Stonnington的拍卖师兼联合销售经纪人David Sciola表示,自2007年以来,这栋房屋一直由艺术家Julia Ritson拥有,记录显示该房屋最后一次成交价为855,000澳元。她目前想卖掉房子搬到乡下。

This trendy residence is just steps away from Hawksburn Village and was designed by Wood Marsh in 1994. Two years later, it was awarded the Harold Desbrowe-Annear Best Residential Project award. According to David Sciola, the auctioneer and joint sales agent at Jellis Craig Stonnington, this house has been owned by artist Julia Ritson since 2007, with the last recorded sale price being AUD 855,000. She is now looking to sell the house and move to the countryside.

Sciola表示,买家对这套房屋的兴趣程度是他多年来所见过的最强烈的,该房屋的指导价为140万至150万澳元。“我认为我们从来没有在网上对一处房产有过如此多的期待,” Sciola说。“因为这个家的设计非常棒。它位于这个内城区,有四栋独立的联排别墅,没有共同的墙壁,所以它几乎是独立的。还有一个宏伟的花园,非常有中世纪的氛围。它的售价远高于保留价,但话又说回来,以当前的建筑成本,你无法以今天的价格替换它……投标人知道这一点。”

Sciola stated that the level of interest from buyers for this property is the strongest he's seen in years. The property's price guide was set at AUD 1.4 million to AUD 1.5 million. "I don't think we've ever had such high expectations for a property online," Sciola said. "Because the design of this home is fantastic. It's in this inner-city area, has four standalone townhouses, no common walls, so it's almost independent. There's also a magnificent garden with a medieval vibe. Its sale price is significantly higher than the reserve, but then again, given today's construction costs, you can't replace it at today's prices... bidders know that."

32a Cromwell Road, a 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom residence with a parking space, sold for AUD 1.76 million.

大部分买家的兴趣来自于婴儿潮一代的缩小规模。该房屋是计划于周六拍卖的诸多墨尔本房产之一。截至晚间,Domain Group公布的508场拍卖结果中,初步拍卖清盘率为68.1%,同时有52场拍卖被撤回。在计算清盘率时,撤回的拍卖被计为未售出的房产。

For most buyers, their interest is fueled by the downsizing of the baby boomer generation. This property was one of many Melbourne properties planned for auction on Saturday. As of the evening, out of the 508 auction results published by the Domain Group, the preliminary auction clearance rate was 68.1%, with 52 auctions being withdrawn. Withdrawn auctions are counted as unsold properties when calculating the clearance rate.

在Carlton North,首次购房者花费160万澳元购买了前Essendon 足球运动员Devon Smith拥有的两居室维多利亚式住宅。记录显示,Smith在职业生涯稳健后从AFL退役,并于2018年获得了最佳克莱顿奖章。记录显示,他于2015年以106万澳元的价格购买了位于749 Drummond Street的投资房产。

In Carlton North, first-time buyers spent AUD 1.6 million to purchase a two-bedroom Victorian-style home owned by former Essendon football player Devon Smith. Records show that Smith retired from the AFL after a solid career and won the Best and Fairest award in 2018. He purchased an investment property at 749 Drummond Street for AUD 1.06 million in 2015.

Nelson Alexander Carlton的Charlie Barham表示,出价从145万澳元开始强劲,超出了140万澳元的底价和130万至140万澳元的指导价。出价以10,000澳元的增量攀升,直到150万澳元大关。Barham说:“我们有四名竞标者举手,其中三名是首次置业者。这是一个非常强劲的结果,我认为这是因为库存一直很低,而且这是一套质量很好的房子。”

Charlie Barham from Nelson Alexander Carlton stated that bidding started strongly at AUD 1.45 million, surpassing the AUD 1.4 million reserve and the AUD 1.3 million to AUD 1.4 million price guide. Bids increased by AUD 10,000 increments, reaching AUD 1.5 million. Barham said, "We had four bidders, three of them were first-time buyers. It's a very strong result, I think that's because inventory has been consistently low, and it's a very good quality house."

749 Drummond Street, Carlton North, a 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom property was sold for AUD 1.6 million.

在Wantirna South,一个家庭花费1,352,000澳元购买了Steve Csiszar的四居室砖房,Steve Csiszar是医用口罩制造商Med-Con的总经理,Med-Con是一家总部位于Shepparton的公司,在大流行期间每周生产数百万个口罩。

In Wantirna South, a family spent AUD 1,352,000 to purchase a four-bedroom brick house owned by Steve Csiszar, the General Manager of Med-Con, a medical mask manufacturer based in Shepparton. During the pandemic, the company produces millions of masks each week.

Ray White Ferntree Gully 的销售经纪人 Matthew George 表示,Csiszar 拥有这栋位于5 Lillee Close的整洁家庭住宅已近四十年。记录显示,该房屋最后一次成交价是1984年,价格为29,850澳元

Matthew George, a sales agent from Ray White Ferntree Gully, stated that Csiszar had owned the neat family home at 5 Lillee Close for nearly forty years. Records show that the last time the house was sold was in 1984 for AUD 29,850.


The property had a price guide of AUD 1.15 million to AUD 1.25 million. It started at AUD 1.1 million, with bids rising in AUD 25,000 increments, eventually reaching the AUD 1.25 million reserve price. The house was sold to a buyer who already had family living next door.

George说:“吸引竞标者的是它的位置和面积,而且房子已经没有什么可做的了,而这些房产现在的需求量很大。”Williams房地产公司的销售经纪人John Limperis表示:“正是这种宜居性以及您可以立即搬入房屋的事实带来了如此好的结果。”

George said, "What attracted bidders was its location and size, and the fact that there's nothing to be done to the house anymore, and there's a strong demand for these properties now." John Limperis, a sales agent from Williams Real Estate, stated, "It's the livability and the fact that you can move into the house immediately that brought about such a good result."


Weekly auctions

根据维多利亚房地产协会REIV(Real Estate Institute of Victoria)官方统计,截止8月13日周日,整个维州共进行了560场有结果的房产拍卖,总清盘率71%

According to official statistics from the Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV), as of Sunday, August 13th, a total of 560 property auctions were held across the entire state of Victoria, achieving an overall clearance rate of 71%.


According to official statistics from the Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV), as of Sunday, August 13th, a total of 560 property auctions were held across the entire state of Victoria, achieving an overall clearance rate of 71%.

Here are the detailed auction results: Out of the total 560 auctions conducted, a total of 400 properties were successfully sold! Among these, 320 were sold during the auctions, and 80 were sold prior to the auction day, resulting in a total auction value of AUD 463 million.


Additionally, there were 110 privately sold properties, with a combined value of AUD 103 million.


The clearance rate for standalone houses was 71%, with a total of 376 auctions held and a median house price of AUD 1.22 million.


For unit properties, the clearance rate was 73%, with a total of 177 auctions conducted and a median unit price of AUD 835,000.


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