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维州推出七星能源住宅要求,你支持吗?Do you support Victoria's introduction of the seven-star energy rating requirement for homes?


从2024年5月1日开始,维多利亚州所有新建住宅将必须遵守特定规定以获得建筑许可。这些规定与NCC 2022年的修订法规相一致,旨在提高宜居性并达到7星级的能源标准。

Starting from May 1st, 2024, all new homes constructed in Victoria will be required to adhere to specific regulations in order to obtain building permits. These regulations align with the amendments to the National Construction Code (NCC) 2022, aimed at enhancing livability and achieving a 7-star energy rating standard.


Under the new regulations, all homes must achieve a 7-star rating under the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS). Each home will undergo a 'whole-of-home' calculation, predicting the energy usage for the first year. Homes must achieve a minimum rating of 60/100 (with 100/100 being carbon neutral), and the use of solar PV systems and multi-head split systems contribute to higher ratings.


Higher star and whole-of-home ratings signify greater energy efficiency, resulting in lower energy bills for residents. However, this also means that all builders must incorporate certain standards, potentially leading to an increase in construction costs ranging from $10,000 to $20,000 AUD for all homes.


Compliance with the 7-star and liveable housing requirements may include:

• 双层玻璃窗户和滑动玻璃门(根据能源评估员的要求确定)

Double-glazed windows and sliding glass doors (as determined by energy assessors)

• 无障碍通道到车库,搭配橡木踢脚线

Step-free access to the garage with rubber wood skirting

• 马桶前必须有1200mm的空间

1200mm clearance space in front of the toilet

• 每个房间的内部铰链门宽度为870mm

Internal hinged doors with a width of 870mm to every room

• 天花板保温材料最低达到R6,墙壁为R2.5(或根据能源评估员的要求确定)

Minimum insulation rating of R6 for ceilings and R2.5 for walls (or as determined by energy assessors)

• 如果没有自然通风,则需要马桶排气扇定时器

Timer for toilet exhaust fans in the absence of natural ventilation

• 淋浴间和马桶安装扶手需要设置支撑板

Nogging for grab rails in showers and toilets

• 浴缸高出水槽40mm处需要防水,并额外铺设瓷砖。

Waterproofing 40mm away from the bath hob with additional tiling.


So do you support this new rule?


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