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印花税减免政策全面升级! Stamp Duty Concession Fully Upgraded!


维多利亚州所有购买期房公寓、单元房和联排别墅的购房者将享受印花税减免政策,该优惠从今天10月21日开始,将持续一年时间。(独立屋和House&Land Package不享受此次优惠政策)

All buyers of off-the-plan apartments, units, and townhouses in Victoria will benefit from stamp duty reductions starting today, October 21, for a period of one year. (This policy does not apply to Houses or House & Land Packages.)

维州州长Jacinta Allan在媒体宣传中宣布,维州的印花税优惠将扩大至所有购房者,并取消上限。此前,印花税优惠的适用门槛分别设定为首次购房者75万澳元自住业主55万澳元

Victoria's Premier, Jacinta Allan, announced in a media blitz that the state's stamp duty concessions would be expanded to all buyers, with no value cap. Previously, the stamp duty concession thresholds were set at $750,000 for first-home buyers and $550,000 for owner-occupiers.

From: X - Jacinata Allan


During this period, stamp duty will be calculated based on the construction stage of the property. For projects that have not commenced, buyers will enjoy the maximum discount (stamp duty will only be applied to the land value), while partially completed projects will have stamp duty calculated on the combined value of the completed portion and the land.


Examples from SRO

2024 年12月1日,米歇尔签署了一份合同,以100万澳元的价格购买一套期房,当时施工工作尚未开始。卖方告知米歇尔,合同价格中的40万澳元将用于建造她的公寓。米歇尔打算在公寓完工后将其出租。

Michelle signs a contract to buy an apartment off the plan for $1 million on 1 December 2024, before any construction work has begun. The vendor advises Michelle that $400,000 of the contract price will be spent on constructing her apartment. Michelle intends to rent out her apartment upon construction.

米歇尔可以在计算房产的应税价值时扣除建筑成本,这样应税价值就会降至60万澳元(100 万澳元-40 万美元)。

Michelle is able to deduct the construction costs when calculating the dutiable value of the property, which results in the dutiable value coming down to $600,000 ($1 million – $400,000).

如果在签订合同时,建筑工程已完成50%,那么可以扣除的建筑成本为20万澳元(40万澳元*50%),应税价值为80 万澳元(100 万澳元-20万澳元)。

If at the time of signing the contract construction was 50% complete, then the construction costs which can be deducted are $200,000 ($400,000*50%) and the dutiable value would be $800,000 ($1 million - $200,000).


Premier Allan stated that this 12-month stimulus plan is a response to the pressure faced by builders, especially those seeking relief following successive interest rate hikes.

“这确实对住房行业产生了影响,”她在周一早上的《Seven’s Sunrise》节目中说道。“这就是我们提供这项支持的原因。它对建筑商有利,对购房者也有好处,可以节省开支,并有助于建造更多房屋。”

"This has certainly had an impact on the housing industry," she said on Monday morning's Seven’s Sunrise program. "That’s why we’re providing this support. It’s good for builders, it’s good for buyers who will save money, and it helps to build more homes."


For buyers, the direct benefit of this policy is the savings on stamp duty, which reduces the financial burden of purchasing a property, particularly for investors and buyers of high-end properties. The policy's implementation is expected to stimulate the real estate market, especially in off-the-plan and new development purchases. This is a rare opportunity, particularly suited for those looking to buy off-the-plan or invest in property.


The premier also announced that she would be rolling out more housing policies and initiatives throughout the week.


Last Sunday, she unveiled a plan to create 50 new "activity centres" to help Melbourne add more than 30,000 homes by 2051. However, the plan was met with strong opposition from local residents at the time of the announcement. Premier Allan said the new dwellings would include townhouses and apartments built around 50 high-frequency train and tram stations, some of which are located in Melbourne's greenest and most expensive areas, such as Toorak, Armadale, and Brighton.

其他涉及的郊区还包括:Murrumbeena、Oakleigh、Hawthorn、Blackburn、Mitcham 和 West Footscray。

Other suburbs included in the plan are Murrumbeena, Oakleigh, Hawthorn, Blackburn, Mitcham, and West Footscray.

但部分居民对这一规划表示不满,他们抗议更高楼宇的兴建。反对党领袖John Pesutto批评Allan政府未与当地居民进行充分协商,并在地方政府选举前的过渡期内公布这一计划。

Some residents were displeased with the plan, protesting the construction of taller buildings. Opposition Leader John Pesutto criticized the Allan government for not adequately consulting with local residents and for unveiling the plan during the caretaker period ahead of council elections.

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