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The Block确认2025年拍摄地:Daylesford再度成为焦点 The Block Confirms Daylesford as Its 2025 Filming Location


备受欢迎的装修节目The Block近日宣布,其2025年第21季的拍摄地将重返维多利亚州历史悠久的小镇Daylesford。尽管Daylesford曾因当地居民的反对未能成为2024年的拍摄地,但制作团队依然选择在2025年重新尝试,并计划在Raglan Street翻新一系列房产。

The highly popular renovation show The Block has recently announced that its 21st season in 2025 will return to the historic town of Daylesford in Victoria. Although Daylesford was initially intended as the filming location for the 2024 season, local opposition prevented it from going forward. Undeterred, the production team has decided to revisit the idea in 2025, with plans to renovate several properties on Raglan Street.

节目简介与影响力 About the Show and Its Impact

The Block是一档拥有深厚观众基础的电视节目,展现了不同团队对房产进行改造的创意与努力。每一季节目不仅吸引了数百万观众,更显著影响了拍摄地的房市和经济发展。通过展示本地文化、手工艺和企业,节目成功地将拍摄地推向全国视野。在过去,许多经过改造的房产因节目效应备受追捧,而所在地区的房价也因此水涨船高。

The Block is a television show with a massive audience, showcasing the creativity and effort of different teams as they renovate properties. Each season not only captivates millions of viewers but also has a significant impact on the local property market and economic growth. By highlighting local culture, artisans, and businesses, the show brings nationwide attention to its filming locations. In the past, properties featured on the show have gained immense popularity, and local property values have often risen as a result of The Block’s influence.

The Block与Daylesford的双赢合作 A Win-Win for The Block and Daylesford

此次选址Daylesford的The Village社区项目,无疑将再次为该地区带来更多关注和潜在的经济收益。Daylesford不仅以其矿泉、艺术文化和健康生活方式闻名,其独特的自然美景和浓厚的社区氛围也使其成为理想的拍摄地。同时,节目将融入当地文化,通过展示小镇的特色企业和手工艺,进一步提升Daylesford的吸引力。

Choosing Daylesford as the filming location is sure to bring further attention and economic opportunities to the area. Known for its mineral springs, vibrant arts scene, and healthy lifestyle, Daylesford’s unique natural beauty and strong community spirit make it an ideal setting for the show. Additionally, The Block’s integration of local culture and businesses will further enhance Daylesford’s appeal.

The Village at Daylesford:完美的居住选择 The Village at Daylesford: A Perfect Place to Call Home

如果您正在寻找Daylesford的理想居所,The Village at Daylesford绝对值得关注。该社区位于Daylesford的东入口,距离小镇核心区域仅几分钟步行路程。住户可尽享Raglan Street丰富的餐饮选择、本地咖啡文化以及每周日热闹的集市。此外,社区紧邻医院、学校和公共设施,生活便利无忧,是家庭与个人追求宁静与便利兼得的理想之地。

If you’re looking for an ideal home in Daylesford, The Village at Daylesford is a must-see. Conveniently located at the eastern entrance of Daylesford, the community is just a short walk from the town center. Residents can enjoy Raglan Street’s diverse dining options, local coffee culture, and the bustling Sunday markets. Close to hospitals, schools, and public amenities, The Village offers a perfect blend of tranquility and convenience for families and individuals alike.

The Village的独特之处 What Makes The Village Special

由屡获殊荣的Breathe建筑事务所设计,The Village将环保与现代美学完美结合。社区完全依赖绿色能源,采用100%电力供能,杜绝化石燃料使用。每套住宅均达到7.5星的NatHERS能源效率评级,配备双层玻璃窗、被动太阳能设计和智能交叉通风系统,为住户提供全年舒适的室内环境。

Designed by the award-winning Breathe Architecture, The Village seamlessly combines sustainability and modern aesthetics. The community is fully powered by green energy, operating with 100% renewable electricity and no reliance on fossil fuels. Each home boasts a 7.5-star NatHERS energy efficiency rating, with double-glazed windows, passive solar design, and smart cross-ventilation systems, ensuring a comfortable indoor environment year-round.

不仅如此,The Village还特别注重社区生活的共享理念。在社区中心区域,设计了一个宽敞且充满生机的公共花园,种植了蔬菜、果树和可食用灌木,住户可以共同参与园艺活动,享受自然馈赠的有机食材,促进邻里互动与绿色生活。

The Village also emphasizes a shared community lifestyle. At its heart lies a spacious and vibrant communal garden, featuring vegetables, fruit trees, and edible shrubs. Residents are encouraged to participate in gardening activities, enjoy organic produce, and foster meaningful connections with neighbors, promoting a greener and more interactive way of living.

随着The Block 2025年的拍摄落地,Daylesford将迎来更多关注和机遇。而作为Daylesford新兴社区的The Village,不仅为居民提供了一个环保、高品质的居住选择,也为那些寻求便捷与宁静并存的家庭和个人提供了理想的家园。如果您也希望成为这个充满活力小镇的一部分,The Village是您不容错过的选择!

With The Block 2025 set to bring new opportunities and attention to Daylesford, the town is poised for exciting growth. As one of Daylesford’s newest communities, The Village offers residents a high-quality, eco-friendly living environment. It is the perfect choice for families and individuals seeking the ideal balance between convenience and tranquility. If you’re ready to be part of this vibrant and thriving community, The Village is an opportunity not to be missed!

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